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Mindset Retreat

The 3 Keys to Plugging Up Your Energy Leaks

Have you ever been to a retreat, conference or workshop that was so inspiring and empowering that you felt sure your life was going to change radically, only to find within days or weeks of returning home that all that extra juice had seeped away, returning you to much the same default state you had before? This is a very common experience - because energy leaks. 

If you think about your energy like water in a bucket, you might notice that some things fill your bucket, others you pour out willingly. And then, sometimes there’s a sneaky seam or hole and we lose energy at a slow drip.

These leaks are often unseen, but once you know where your main energy leaks are, you can set about plugging them.  Systematically addressing these 'leaks' shifts the playing field of your life radically. 

And I've got news for you - You don't have to keep letting your energy get zapped away! Here's how..

In this Mindset Retreat, we will get to the bottom of where and why your vitality and energy is currently leaking and learn The Pranic Life process to plugging them up so that you can make conscious choices for how you spend your time and energy.


During this life-changing conversation you will learn how to:


Hunt and stalk your current energetic leaks


Establish clear and healthy boundaries and teach others how to honor them


Heal from the exhaustion of overdoing + multi-tasking

What's Included

General Admission

Mindset Retreat & Private Facebook Group 


  • Mindset Retreat 60-minute pre-recorded session with Lead Mentor, Kristin Schultz

  • Bonus Private Facebook Group Q+A where you can share wins, ask questions, get direct feedback from Kristin and absorb additional insights and inspiration from program participants just like you! 

Who This Workshop Is For

People who are ready to stop investing too much energy into things that aren't fulfilling and take responsibility for their runaway life. They want to...


  • Learn how to trust themselves to make the right decision - choosing your path and where you will focus your deepest desires and your life’s purpose

  • Get to the root of your blocks instead of using bandaids

  • Enhance your vitality by doing what you know is best for you


As a result of this program you will learn how to use the tools of presence, boundaries and rest to plug your energy leaks so that you can build a life live where you are not just successful and driven (because frankly, if you're reading this I know you already are these things and more) - but a life full of joy, radical balance and adventure.⁣

About the Speaker


Kristin Schultz

Lead Mentor & Program Founder, The Pranic Life 

Founder & Director of Leadership, Zia Yoga & Wellness


As a Master Yoga Teacher, Ayurvedic Lifestyle Coach and Human Behavior Specialist, Kristin has dedicated her life to living the practices she teaches and is a role model and inspiration for women to live with wisdom and vitality. 

A natural edge-walker, Kristin masterfully integrates practices from both the scientific and spiritual worlds to inspire greatness for women to evolve in awareness and radiance. She is the Founder and Lead Mentor of The Pranic Life Energy Mentorship Program, which helps women learn how to unhook themselves from patterns of anxiety, perfectionism and self-sacrifice so they can generate a soul-aligned life of passion, purpose and radical balance and inner happiness. 

When she's not leading one of her three businesses, you can find her running a trail or traveling the world with her family. 

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